MAASE Project Overview

In September of 2023, MAASE received a state grant from section 27j of the school aid act that provides funding for the development of multiple pathways of professional learning and support for special education personnel. Training will include the knowledge, skills, and strategies needed to ensure positive results for educators, students with disabilities, their families and community.  The projects below outline the various opportunities that are being developed for aspiring administrators, practicing administrators, building-level leaders, paraeducators, mentors and mentees. 

In collaboration with the Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators (MASA), MAASE is developing an alternate pathway for candidates who wish to obtain a Michigan administrator certification along with approval as a special education administrator. The Horizons Academy Plus Special Education is designed for aspiring administrators or those who are in special education administrative positions under temporary approval. 
Logic Model Org Chart Project Updates (coming soon)

Committee Chair:

Michelle Proulx  

Project Manager:

Kathy Barker  


The Developing Inclusive Leadership project is aimed at building-level leaders and will be providing training pathways to support administrators in their supervision of special education programming, personnel and compliance. Multiple training options, along with in-course coaching, will ensure that participants will have the knowledge and confidence to effectively lead for all students. 
Logic Model Org Chart Project Updates (coming soon)

Committee Co-Chair:

Deana Tuczek 

Committee Co-chair:

Sue Toth 

 Project Manager:

Cheryl-Marie Manson


The paraeducator project is being organized to provide a comprehensive learning solution aimed at addressing the critical need to provide high quality support to students through highly trained paraeducators. In partnership with the Michigan Education Association (MEA) and the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), this project will create a series of training modules that can be provided through current CTE programs, via ISD personnel, or by trained MAASE facilitators. 
Logic Model Org Chart Project Updates (coming soon)

 Committee Chair: 

Karlie Parker 

Project Manager:

Cheryl-Marie Manson


Mentors and coaches will be utilized to support candidates who are engaged in several of the projects listed above, as well as for MAASE's New Administrator Academy. To ensure high quality coaching from MAASE's mentor pool, this project seeks to outline the necessary training and ongoing support needed for deployment in any coaching opportunity. 
Logic Model Org Chart Project Updates (coming soon)

 Committee Chair: 

Chelsea Korzecki

Project Manager:

Kathy Baker


The Michigan Special Education Resource Center (MiSERC) is a hub for special education resources, interactive technical assistance and training for a multitude of topics that support the education of students with disabilities. MAASE is excited to partner with the Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators (MAISA) on the development and launch of the MiSERC platform. 

Advisory Committee

Rachel Fuerer 

Advisory Committee

Ben Hicks 


For more information about any of these projects please contact Ben Hicks at