Membership Information
We are currently welcoming new members and membership renewals!
Voting Member
Any individual who is currently approved and employed as a special education administrator (ie, supervisor, director, planner, coordinator) who has the primary responsibility for administration, direction, supervisor or coordination of special education programs and services for exceptional children.
The cost is $300 (updated 7/1/22).
Non-Voting Member
Anyone not meeting the definition for Voting Member (see below) can become a member of MAASE but will not have voting rights.
Voting Members:
Any individual who is currently approved and employed as a special education administrator (ie, supervisor, director, planner, coordinator) who has the primary responsibility for administration, direction, supervisor or coordination of special education programs and services for exceptional children.
The cost is $200 (updated 7/1/22).
Michigan Dept of Education
The members of the Michigan Department of Education are valued partners of MAASE and receive many of the MAASE member benfits.
There is no cost for this membership but you must have a email address and be validated by MDE.